6 PM Einstein Forum
Unerhört! Zum Hörsinn
We do not listen through our ears alone. Bass can penetrate our abdomen and pulse into our legs; thunder forces our bodies to recoil; uncanny noises arrest our breathing; tinnitus produces cacophony inside our skulls; even the silent scream of Edvard Munich makes us shudder. At the same time the ear is a funnel through which the logic of a narrative or an order takes hold of us. The sounds we hear unavoidably focus our attention to their source. Philosophers and theologians speak of an inner ear that hears the voice of God, the heart, or the conscience. Even if we turn a deaf ear to the world, we can never shut ourselves off from the babble of consciousness’s stream.
How is hearing organized between shrill and soothing tones? What turns an acoustic signal into a message and a phonetic sequence into language? How does hearing guide us through the everyday? How does music carry us, noise irritate us, a scream affect us? And what do we hear when we hear silence?
Concept: Dominic Bonfiglio und Matthias Kroß, Potsdam
Participants: Aleida Assmann, Konstanz; Hans-Joachim Braun, Hamburg; Lydia Denworth, New York; Barbara Flückiger, Zürich; Tom Fritz, Leipzig; Sieglinde Geisel, Berlin; Thomas Görne, Hamburg; Morag Grant, Bonn; Helmut Kopetzky, Fulda; Julia Kursell, Amsterdam; Hein Schoer, Wiesbaden; Georg Spehr, Berlin; Hillel Schwartz, San Diego; Michael Wedel, Potsdam
Jan 29, 2015
6:15 PM Hillel Schwartz
Whistling for the Hell of It
8 PM KAPmodern Ensemble
Hören Sie das?!
Jan 30, 2015
10 AM Thomas Görne
Vom Schall zum Klang
11:15 AM Tom Fritz
Unlocking the Therapeutic Power of Music
12:30 PM Morag J. Grant
Listening to Torture
3 PM Sieglinde Geisel
Lärm entsteht im Kopf
4:15 PM Aleida Assmann
The Double Wall of Silence
5:30 PM Helmut Kopetzky
Hören ist Erinnern: Über die Ambivalenz des Sound
Jan 31, 2015
10 AM Hans-Joachim Braun
On Footbonauts, Sound Soccer, and Battle Songs: Sound Studies and Football
11:15 AM Georg Spehr
Auditives Design: Auf dem Weg zu einer erweiterten Klang-Gestaltung
12:30 PM Julia Kursell
Measured Musical Talent: Experiments with the Phonograph and the Wire Recorder
3 PM Barbara Flückiger, Michael Wedel
Gespräch über Technik und Ästhetik des Filmsounddesigns
4:15 PM Lydia Denworth
A Hearing Parent and a Deaf Child: One Mother’s View of the Science, the Emotion, and the Choices
5:30 PM Hein Schoer