Thursday, Jan 30, 2020, 7:00 PM

Dr. Simin Fadaee

Lecturer in Sociology, University of Manchester

Social Movements in the Global South

Gesprächsleitung: Prof. Dr. Sabrina Zajak, Berlin

Recent uprisings in the Global South, from the Middle East to Latin America, have been in the news, yet they remain poorly understood in the Global North. This lecture shows why it is important to speak of specifically Southern social movements, analyses their defining features, and discusses their prospects.
Many movements in the global South continue to bear the marks of their emergence in colonial and post-colonial contexts. In addition, they are faced with political regime types that are much more varied than those in the North, and with constantly shifting relations between the state and civil society. Finally, there is usually an implicit connection between social movements and democratization processes, between identity and economic issues, and between formal and informal types of politics.

Simin Fadaee is a Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Manchester. She was educated in Iran, India, South Africa, and Germany, and has conducted empirical fieldwork on social movements and activism in those and other countries. Her work discusses the extent to which theories, concepts, and practices can travel across the North-South divide. She is the author of Social Movements in Iran: Environmentalism and Civil Society (2012), editor of Understanding Southern Social Movements (2016), and co-author of Reproduktion sozialer Ungleichheit in Deutschland (2015).

Sabrina Zajak is head of the research department Consent and Conflict at the German Center for Integration and Migration Research (DeZIM).

This event will be in English; it is free and open to all without registration.

A joint event with Research Committee 47 (Social Classes and Social Movements) of the International Sociological Association