Tuesday, Feb 16, 2016, 3 PM

Omri Boehm

Assistant Professor für Philosophy an der New School for Social Research, New York

German Intellectuals and the Two-State Solution

Gesprächsleitung: Carolin Emcke
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Omri Boehm is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the New School for Social Research. His books include The Binding of Isaac, A Religious Model of Disobedience and Kant’s Critique of Spinoza. His writings on Israeli politics and culture have appeared in Haaretz, Die Zeit, The New York Times and The Los Angeles Review of Books.

Carolin Emcke is a journalist, political theorist and writer. She studied philosophy, history and political science in London, Frankfurt/Main and Harvard. She has a doctorate in philosophy with a book on „Collective Identities”. As a staff writer for the foreign news desk of Der Spiegel (1998-2006) she has written about war crimes and human rights violations in Lebanon, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Israel, Columbia among others. Since 2007 she has worked as an international reporter for the German weekly DIE ZEIT. Her books include Kollektive Identitäten – sozialphilosophische Grundlagen; Echoes of Violence – Letters from a War Reporter; Stumme Gewalt – Nachdenken über die RAF and Wie wir begehren.

The event will be held in English