The Worlds of Cinema
Film has been a focus of the Einstein Forum for years. Driving this interest is the way film creates not just a visual world but a space of experience that activates all our senses. How does this space affect our reality? How does it shape the way we perceive the world and what we consider true? How do directors explore the limits of perception? How do the boundaries between their lives and their art overlap?
Related events:
Conferences and workshops:
Metamorphosen. Ulrike Ottingers Künste (2022; co-organized with the Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum for Film und Fernsehen, Berlin)
Gefühl zeigen. Emotionen im Kino (konzipiert mit Ursula von Keitz, Filmuniversität Babelsberg, 2020)
Things to Come: Science – Fiction – Film (2016; co-organized with the Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum for Film und Fernsehen, Berlin)
Erlebnisraum Kino [“Cinema as space of experience”] (2014; co-organized with Chris Wahl, Filmuniversität Babelsberg)
Weihnachten – Ein Fest der Liebe [“Christmas – a celebration of love”] (2012; co-organized with the Filmmuseum Potsdam)
Werner Herzog – An den Grenzen [“Werner Herzog – to the limit”] (2012; co-organized with the Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum für Film und Fernsehen, Berlin)
Von Lüge und Wahrheit – Ingmar Bergman [“Of falsehood and truth – Ingmar Bergman] (2011; co-organized with the Deutshen Kinemathek – Museum für Film und Fernsehen, Berlin)
Mann – Frau – Maschine: Fritz Langs METROPOLIS [“Man – woman – machine: Fritz Lang’s METROPOLIS”] (2010; co-organized with the Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum für Film und Fernsehen)
Framing Reality (2002–2004; co-organized with the Internationale Filmfestspielen Berlin)
Selected publications:
Kristina Jaspers, Rüdiger Zill (eds.), Werner Herzog: An den Grenzen (2015)
Kristina Jaspers, Nils Warnecke, and Rüdiger Zill (eds.), Wahre Lügen: Bergman inszeniert Bergman (2012)