Samstag, 9.6.2007, 16:45h

Robert Pippin

John Ford’s “The Searchers” and the Mystery of “Ethan’s Character”

Robert Pippin is Evelyn Stefansson Nef Distinguished Service Professor in the Committee on Social Thought and Professor of Philosophy at the University of Chicago. He works primarily on the modern German philosophical tradition, with a concentration on Kant and Hegel. In addition he has published on issues in theories of modernity, political philosophy, theories of self-consciousness, the nature of conceptual change, and the problem of freedom. He has a number of interdisciplinary interests, especially those that involve the relation between philosophy and literature. He has published a book on Henry James and articles on Proust, modern art, and contemporary film. He is currently finishing a book on Hegel’s practical philosophy, and is at work on a book about political psychology in American film. His recent publications include: Henry James and Modern Moral Life (2000), Hegel on Ethics and Politics (coed. with Otfried Höffe, 2004), Die Verwirklichung der Freiheit (2005), The Persistence of Subjectivity: On the Kantian Aftermath (2005) and Nietzsche, moraliste français: La conception nietzschéenne d’une psychologie philosophique (2005).

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