Frauke Hildebrandt, Martina Münch, Susan Neiman
Bürger zweiter Klasse? Zur Debatte um die Ostquote
30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the East German people make up 17% of the population, but only 1.7% of executive and leadership positions. This trend has become apparent in everything from politics and the media to industry and scholarship. Could this be the reason that so many East German people feel underrepresented, and therefore more prone to have right-leaning tendencies? Recently, the demand for Ostquote has become stronger. Could this be the first step to complete equality among Germans?
Members of the Discussion:
Frauke Hildebrandt, Professor of Research and Practice Development in the Pedagogy of Childhood at the Technical College of Potsdam
Martina Manch, Minister of Science, Research, and Culture of the Land Brandenburg
Susan Neiman, Director of the Einstein Forum
This event will be held in German