Shashi Tharoor
On Reparations and Justice
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“History will not go away, except through our perfect acknowledgement of it” writes Stanley Cavell. In that regard, Dr. Tharoor in his well-known speech at Oxford Union spoke about reparations Britain owes India. Is that argument applicable to other former colonies? What about the reparations the US owes Black Americans for slavery? In this talk followed by a Q&A session, we would discuss the notion and various forms of reparations and how they enable us to acknowledge and reconcile with the past and deal with the present.
Dr Shashi Tharoor, a third-term Member of Parliament for Thiruvananthapuram, is the bestselling author of twenty-two books, both fiction and non-fiction, besides being a former Under Secretary-General of the United Nations and a former Minister of State for Human Resource Development and for External Affairs in the Government of India. He has won numerous awards, including the Pravasi Bharatiya Samman, a Commonwealth Writers’ Prize and the Crossword Lifetime Achievement Award. In 2019, Dr. Tharoor was also awarded the Sahitya Akademi Award in the category of ‘English Non-Fiction’ for his book An Era of Darkness. He chairs Parliament’s Standing Committee on Information Technology.