Pól Ó Dochartaigh
Der Brexit: Eine Neuorientierung für ganz Irland
Brexit will pose severe economic consequences for the Republic of Ireland more than any other country in the European Union. The same holds true for Northern Ireland in comparison to every other region of the United Kingdom. Furthermore, the identity of the Northern Irish people can not be settled as calmly as in the Good Friday Agreement — a fact that entails many uncertainties. Now more than ever before, Brexit forces the people in the Republic to focus on concerning themselves with other parts of Europe. It forces the Northern Irish to decide whether Northern Ireland should be Irish and (EU-)European or only British. What can this decision mean for the future of the entirety of Ireland?
This event will be held in German
Pól Ó Dochartaigh studied German and Irish Literature at the universities Cardiff, Ulster, and Nottingham. He then did research and taught at the universities Maynooth, Derby, and Ulster before he was appointed the Registrar and Deputy President of the National University of Ireland in Galway in 2014. Additionally, Pól Ó Dochartaigh spent many years in Germany and, inter alia, taught English at the Wilhelm-Pieck University in Rostock from 1987 to 1989. In addition to numerous articles and editorials, he is the author of the monographs The Portrayal of Jews in GDR Prose Fiction (1997); Germany Since 1945 (2003); Julius Pokorny, 1887-1970: Germans, Celts and Nationalism (2003); and Germans and Jews Since the Holocaust (2015).