7 PM Susan Neiman

Why Do We Believe in Self-Interest?
The appeal to self-interest as the ultimate form of explanation has seen attacks from many directions: within moral and political theory as well as in empirical research in psychology, primatology, economics, and neurobiology. Why, then, does the self-interest model continues to dominate much of academic discourse as well as popular culture? By exploring the ways in which consciousness of human motivation has changed since the 19th century, we hope to show that the self-interest model is itself a historically contingent product of particular cultural forces. Our ultimate aim is to undermine the tyranny of the model and hence to contribute to the validation of non-reductive moral discourse.
Concept: Susan Neiman, Potsdam
Participants: Breyten Breytenbach, Gorée; Lorraine Daston, Berlin; Robert H. Frank, Ithaca; Ute Frevert, Berlin; Mischa Gabowitsch, Potsdam; Konstanty Gebert, Warschau; Stephen Holmes, New York; Eva Illouz, Jerusalem; T.J. Jackson Lears, New Brunswick; James Marentette, Kitchener; Christian Scholz, Saarbrücken; Jonathan Shay, Boston; Frans de Waal, Atlanta
Jun 13, 2013
7:15 PM Frans de Waal
The Bonobo and the Atheist. Morality, Religion, and Prosocial Primates
Jun 14, 2013
10 AM Lorraine Daston
A Short History of How Self-Interest Became Rational
11 AM Stephen Holmes
Self-Interest as Self-Delusion
12:30 PM Ute Frevert
The Moral Economy of Dueling
3 PM Konstanty Gebert
Alternatives to Self-Interest: Fraternity vs. Solidarity?
4 PM Christian Scholz
Darwiportunism: Fairness between Darwinistic Companies and Opportunistic Employees
5:30 PM Robert H. Frank
The Strategic Role of Moral Emotions
Jun 15, 2013
10 AM Mischa Gabowitsch
Coerced Self-Interest
11 AM Jonathan Shay
War Was the Brain’s Evolutionary Bum’s Rush
12:30 PM James Marentette
Why’d you do it? Self-Interest and Criminal Law
3 PM Eva Illouz
Making Self-Interest into an Emotion
4 PM T.J. Jackson Lears
The Wild Card: Animal Spirits and the Ambiguities of Self-Interest
5:30 PM Breyten Breytenbach
A Cacophony of Selves and a Conflict of Interests
The lecture given by Mr. Frans de Waal on June 13 is held at the Museum für Naturkunde, Invalidenstraße 43, 10115 Berlin