7:00 PM Susan Neiman

Things to Come. Science – Fiction – Film
Literally as well as figuratively, our ideas of the future inhabit the present, feeding off our hopes and fears, expectations and doubts. Tellingly, the utopian dreams that once dominated our imagination have given way to dystopian nightmares. This is particularly apparent in today’s many films about the future—the genre is riding a wave of renewed popularity— which portray total surveillance societies, dictatorships of health, environmental disasters, and post-apocalyptic landscapes, some Earth bound, some extraterrestrial. The questions they raise concern not just technological and scientific progress but the nature of tomorrow’s societies and the people who populate them. Science fiction, originally meant for easy consumption, has now become an experimental field for philosophical speculation: What will we come to know? What should we do with this knowledge? How do we want to live? What is a human being – in the future?
Concept: Kristina Jaspers, Berlin; Nils Warnecke, Berlin; Gerlinde Waz, Berlin; Rüdiger Zill, Potsdam
Participants: Susanne Beck, Hannover; Ralf Bülow, Berlin; Christine Cornea, Norwich; Tim Fehlbaum, Basel; Josef Früchtl, Amsterdam; Alexander Geppert, New York/Berlin; Harald Hamrell, Stockholm; Hannah Herzsprung, Berlin; Manfred Hild, Berlin; Axel Meyer, Konstanz; Andreas Rauscher, Siegen; Frank Rieger, Berlin; Janina Sombetzki, Kiel; Mingwei Song, Princeton; Simon Spiegel, Zürich; Klaudia Wick, Berlin; Ytasha L. Womack, Chicago
Jan 21, 2016
7:10 PM Kristina Jaspers, Rüdiger Zill
7:30 PM Josef Früchtl
Cineastisches Raum – Zeit – Kontinuum
Jan 22, 2016
10:00 AM Rainer Rother
10:15 AM Nils Warnecke, Gerlinde Waz
10:30 AM Simon Spiegel
Tomorrowland ist abgebrannt
11:15 AM Christine Cornea
Environmental Concerns and Post‐apocalyptic Futures in American Science Fiction Film
12:15 PM Andreas Rauscher
When Galaxies Collide… STAR TREK und STAR WARS im transmedialen Vergleich
2:00 PM Harald Hamrell
Real Humans, Real Robots?
2:45 PM Janina Sombetzki
Mensch und Ro‐/Hubot – ein philosophischer Kommentar
4:30 PM Claudia Wick
Der Ast, auf dem wir sitzen
5:15 PM Andreas Bülow, Alexander Geppert
Die düstere Seite der Zukunft. Gesellschaftliche Erwartungen und utopische Visionen
7:30 PM Tim Fehlbaum
HELL (2011)
Jan 23, 2016
10:00 AM Axel Meyer
Genomik, genetische Eingriffe und die Zukunft des Menschen
11:00 AM Ytasha Womack
Afrofuturism. Time, Memory, Femininity and Identity in Film
11:45 AM Mingwei Song
Representations of the Invisible. The Unseen Bodies in the Three‐Body Problem, or the Hidden Dimensions of Chinese Science Fiction
1:30 PM Susanne Beck, Manfred Hild
“Das Wesen der Intelligenz ist, dass sie sich nicht dominieren lässt.”
2:30 PM Michael Madsen
Venues: Einstein Forum (21.1.); Filmhaus at Potsdamer Platz, Potsdamer Str. 2, 10785 Berlin (22./23.1.)