5:00 PM Andrea Albrecht, Franziska Bomski

Grabenkämpfe und Brückenschläge. Interdisziplinarität in der Praxis
Entrenchment or Rapprochement? Interdisciplinarity in Practice
Conception: Andrea Albrecht, Heidelberg, und Franziska Bomski, Potsdam
with: Nan Z. Da, Notre Dame; Gabriele Dürbeck, Vechta; Merve Emre, Oxford; Yvonne Ilg, Zürich; Julie Thompson Klein, Detroit; Anke Maatz, Zürich; Dennis Mischke, Potsdam; Oliver Müller, Freiburg i.Br.; Peter Weingart, Bielefeld; Rüdiger Zill, Potsdam
For decades now, being interdisciplinary has promised academic success, while focus on single disciplines, once wellsprings of innovation, has seemed myopic. But under what conditions has interdisciplinary work actually led to insights equally recognized by specialists on all sides? The question is particularly pertinent to collaborations between fields as disparate as the humanities and the natural sciences. How can the interdisciplinary-minded minimize the risk of dilettantism? What role is played by the compatibility of disciplinary norms? What kinds of cooperation are most effective? What interests does opening the humanities to the hard empirical disciplines serve? What are some examples, past and present, where interdisciplinarity has borne fruit? What are some examples where it has not?
Online via Zoom
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Thursday, May 6, 2021
Friday, May 7, 2021
Saturday, May 8, 2021
Simultaneous translation of German talks will be available.
Times refer to CET.
May 6, 2021
5:45 PM Julie Thompson Klein
Interdisciplinary Collaborations. Insights from Digital Humanities, the Art-Science Movement, and the SHAPE-ID Project
7:00 PM Peter Weingart
Interdisziplinarität als Reaktion auf gesellschaftliche Erwartungen oder wissenschaftspolitische Schimäre?
May 7, 2021
2:00 PM Dennis Mischke
Digital Humanities. New Literacies between Culture and Data
3:15 PM Nan Z. Da
Literary Studies, Data Science, and the Future of Argumentation
4:30 PM Yvonne Ilg, Anke Maatz
Zwischen Linguistik und Medizin
Ein Bericht aus der interdisziplinären Praxis
5:30 PM
Kaffeepause / Coffee break
6:00 PM Oliver Müller
Interdisziplinarität im Verstehen neurotechnologischer Interventionen
7:15 PM Gabriele Dürbeck
Antagonism, Integration, and Reflection
The Interplay of Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Anthropocene from the Perspective of Environmental Humanities
May 8, 2021
2:00 PM Rüdiger Zill
Interdisziplinarität oder Einheit der Wissenschaften? Hans Blumenberg als Pionier zwischenfachlicher Verständigung
3:15 PM Merve Emre
The Reader as Leader
4:15 PM