
Einstein Forum

Am Neuen Markt 7
14467 Potsdam
Tel: 0331-27178-0
Fax: 0331-27178-27


The Einstein Forum is a foundation with legal capacity under public law of the state of Brandenburg, registered in Potsdam. The foundation is subject to the legal supervision of the Minister of Science, Research and Culture of the state of Brandenburg.


The foundation is directly and exclusively pursuing public and non-profit aims in accordance with the paragraph “Tax-Deductible Aims” of the German Fiscal Code.


Director: Prof. Dr. Susan Neiman; Potsdam
Chairman, Board of Trustees: Prof. Dr. Jan Philipp Reemtsma, Hamburg
Chairman, Board of Advisors: Prof. Dr. David Shulman, Jerusalem


Download: Statute Einstein Forum


Website Design: NODE, Berlin


Coding and technical support: Supercomputer Studio, Berlin


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