Samstag, 31.1.2015, 11:15h

Georg Spehr

Auditives Design: Auf dem Weg zu einer erweiterten Klang-Gestaltung

In all areas of everyday life we encounter sounds that are deliberately designed — to supply us with information, to grab our attention, to give us orientation, to convey esthetic and emotional qualities, to provide narrative and spatial depth. But we have yet to exhaust sound’s potential as a factor in design.
In this talk I will consider a comprehensive approach I call auditory design. It is not merely about the design of sound environments. It is the acoustic orchestration of space, time, and objects, and the elaboration of rules for how sound is presented to listeners and how listeners can influence sound. Auditory design has many design applications for products, interactive services, media, interior design, exhibits, architecture, brand communication, and data evaluation.

Georg Spehr is a freelance sound director and sound designer. He has worked as a studio technician in the sound industry and has created design for cross-media and Internet platforms. He is an instructor in the sound studies program at the Berlin University of the Arts and has also taught design at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences. He is editor of Funktionale Klänge: Hörbare Daten, klingende Geräte und gestaltete Hörerfahrungen (2009) and the book series Sound Studies.